Statistics for Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Tecnol��gica de El Salvador. on

Aug 1, 2015 to Aug 31, 2015

General Overview

Items Archived 10
Bitstream Views 1,739
Item Views 2,267
Country Views 0
Collection Views 242
Community Views 346
User Logins 5
Searches Performed 5,501
Licence Rejections 0
OAI Requests 0

Archive Information

Content Type Number of items
All Items 9
Preprint 0
Thesis or Dissertation 0
Research Paper 0

Items Viewed

(more than 20 times)

Item/Handle Number of views
Sistemas de Información Gerencial y su rol estratégico en las organizaciones (Pérez de Hernández,... 141
Infraestructura tecnológica y Sistemas de Información : Fase administración (Pérez de Hernández, ... 45
Imaginario colectivo, movimientos juveniles y cultura ciudadana juvenil en El Salvador (Campos Mo... 41
Tecnologías perdidas : la cerámica plomiza (Rivas, Ramón Douglas) (11298/204) 41
La educación : pilar del desarrollo (López Nuila, Carlos Reynaldo) (11298/207) 40
Fundamentos de Inteligencia de negocios (Pérez de Hernández, Aracely) (11298/199) 38
Guía básica para la exportación de la flor de loroco desde El Salvador hacia España, a través de ... 29
Actitudes, dominio y uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) de los doce... 29
Comportamiento económico reciente de El Salvador (Rodríguez Loucel, Rafael) (11298/99) 27
Historia, patrimonios e identidades en el municipio de Huizúcar, La Libertad, El Salvador (Erquic... 27 26 25 25 24 24 24 24 23 22 21 21 21 21 21

All Actions Performed

Action Number of times
browse 10,921
browse_by_item 10,259
Searches Performed 5,501
Item Views 2,267
Bitstream Views 1,739
browse_by_value 799
browse_mini 669
Community Views 346
Invalid ID Requests 323
display_statistics 282
Collection Views 242
Item Updated 177
Workspace Item Views 116
Workflow Advanced One Stage 40
workflow_item 40
Bitstream Updates 39
Bundles Added 38
//localhost 29
Bundle Updates 19
Bitstreams Added 19
Bundles Created 19
Error in discovery while setting up date facet range 19
Bitstreams Created 19
Community List Views 11
Items Created 11
Workspace Items Deleted 11
authenticate 11
Workspace Items Created 11
Workflow Starts 10
Items Added 10
Items Archived 10
Items Installed 10
Licences Accepted 10
submission_complete 10
EPerson Record Updated 10
Notification of Archived Item Sent 10
User Home Page Views 9
User Logins 5
User's Own Submissions Viewed 2
8080/solr/statistics returned non ok status 2
Bundles Deleted 1
Bundles Removed 1
User Login Failures 1
Items Deleted 1
View Workspace Item 1
Bitstreams Removed 1
Bitstreams Deleted 1
Country Views 0
Licence Rejections 0
OAI Requests 0

User Logins

(distinct addresses)

User Number of logins
Address 1 5

Words Searched

(more than 5 times)

Word Number of searches
scope=null 5,500
null 5,312
de 40
error=error 27
query 27
executing 27
el 23
del 18
la 18
trozos 15
museo 13
universitario 13
cacao 12
ayer 12
en 12
opinion 9
una 9
publica 8
valoraci��n 8
econ��mica 8
calles 7
fotograf��a 7
dise��o 6
pol��tica 6
imaginario 5
jose 5
los 5

Averaging Information

Average views per item 252

Log Level Information

Level Number of lines
Warnings 142

Processing Information

Log Processing Time 75 seconds
Output Processing Time 0 seconds
Log File Lines Analysed 2537727 lines

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