Statistics for Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Tecnol��gica de El Salvador. on

Jun 1, 2015 to Jun 30, 2015

General Overview

Items Archived 2
Bitstream Views 1,326
Item Views 1,635
Country Views 0
Collection Views 286
Community Views 248
User Logins 5
Searches Performed 7,855
Licence Rejections 0
OAI Requests 0

Archive Information

Content Type Number of items
All Items 1
Preprint 0
Thesis or Dissertation 0
Research Paper 0

Items Viewed

All Actions Performed

Action Number of times
browse 9,909
browse_by_item 8,911
Searches Performed 7,855
Item Views 1,635
Bitstream Views 1,326
browse_by_value 1,160
browse_mini 609
Invalid ID Requests 317
Collection Views 286
Community Views 248
display_statistics 172
Item Updated 29
Community List Views 21
Workspace Item Views 17
User Home Page Views 14
Error in discovery while setting up date facet range 13
authenticate 11
//localhost 10
Bitstream Updates 9
Workflow Advanced One Stage 8
Bundles Added 8
workflow_item 8
Workspace Items Deleted 6
EPerson Record Updated 6
User Logouts 6
Bundle Updates 5
User Logins 5
Items Deleted 5
Submissions Removed 4
User's Own Submissions Viewed 4
Bitstreams Added 4
Bundles Created 4
Confirmations of Workspace Item Removal 4
Bitstreams Created 4
Workflow Starts 2
Bundles Deleted 2
Bundles Removed 2
Items Added 2
Items Archived 2
Items Created 2
Items Installed 2
Registration Tokens Sent 2
Licences Accepted 2
Bitstreams Removed 2
submission_complete 2
Notification of Archived Item Sent 2
Bitstreams Deleted 2
Sending E-Mail Error 2
Workspace Items Created 2
Error while retrieving related items 1
User Login Failures 1
View Workspace Item 1
invalid_syndformat 1
Items Removed 1
Country Views 0
Licence Rejections 0
OAI Requests 0

User Logins

(distinct addresses)

User Number of logins
Address 1 4
Address 2 1

Words Searched

(more than 5 times)

Word Number of searches
scope=null 7,854
null 7,788
de 28
error=error 17
query 17
executing 17
psicologia 13
tesis 13
english 7
grammar 6
eleccion 5
hernandez 5
motivos 5
revistas 5
carrera 5
sociales 5

Averaging Information

Average views per item 1,635

Log Level Information

Level Number of lines
Warnings 124

Processing Information

Log Processing Time 75 seconds
Output Processing Time 0 seconds
Log File Lines Analysed 2440631 lines

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