Statistics for Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Tecnol��gica de El Salvador. on

Apr 1, 2014 to Apr 30, 2014

General Overview

Items Archived 5
Bitstream Views 4,744
Item Views 1,726
Country Views 0
Collection Views 242
Community Views 156
User Logins 1
Searches Performed 22
Licence Rejections 0
OAI Requests 4

Archive Information

Content Type Number of items
All Items 5
Preprint 0
Thesis or Dissertation 0
Research Paper 0

Items Viewed

All Actions Performed

Action Number of times
browse 28,325
browse_by_item 27,386
Bitstream Views 4,744
Item Views 1,726
browse_by_value 939
Invalid ID Requests 582
Collection Views 242
display_statistics 236
browse_mini 235
Community Views 156
Item Updated 79
Community List Views 55
Workspace Item Views 54
Searches Performed 22
Workflow Advanced One Stage 20
Bitstream Updates 20
Bundles Added 20
Bundle Updates 10
authenticate 10
Bitstreams Added 10
Bitstreams Created 10
Bundles Created 10
User Login Failures 8
User Home Page Views 8
Workflow Starts 5
Notification of Archived Item Sent 5
Items Added 5
Items Archived 5
Workspace Items Created 5
Items Created 5
Items Installed 5
Licences Accepted 5
Workspace Items Deleted 5
submission_complete 5
OAI Requests 4
//localhost 3
invalid_handle 1
User Logins 1
Sending E-Mail Error 1
Registration Tokens Sent 1
User Logouts 1
OAI Error 1
Country Views 0
Licence Rejections 0

User Logins

(distinct addresses)

User Number of logins
Address 1 1

Words Searched

(more than 5 times)

Word Number of searches

Averaging Information

Average views per item 346

Log Level Information

Level Number of lines
Warnings 83

Processing Information

Log Processing Time 43 seconds
Output Processing Time 0 seconds
Log File Lines Analysed 1428072 lines

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