Statistics for Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Tecnol��gica de El Salvador. on

Mar 1, 2014 to Mar 31, 2014

General Overview

Items Archived 0
Bitstream Views 5,036
Item Views 1,558
Country Views 0
Collection Views 262
Community Views 248
User Logins 0
Searches Performed 26
Licence Rejections 0
OAI Requests 31

Archive Information

Content Type Number of items
Preprint 0
Thesis or Dissertation 0
All Items 0
Research Paper 0

Items Viewed

All Actions Performed

Action Number of times
browse 44,650
browse_by_item 43,146
Bitstream Views 5,036
Item Views 1,558
browse_by_value 1,504
Invalid ID Requests 1,147
browse_mini 287
Collection Views 262
display_statistics 259
Community Views 248
Community List Views 54
OAI Requests 31
Searches Performed 26
invalid_handle 3
//localhost 1
OAI Error 1
Items Archived 0
Country Views 0
Licence Rejections 0
User Logins 0

User Logins

(distinct addresses)

User Number of logins

Words Searched

(more than 5 times)

Word Number of searches
relaciones 7
publicidad 7
publicas 7
de 5

Averaging Information

Average views per item 827

Log Level Information

Level Number of lines
Warnings 78

Processing Information

Log Processing Time 45 seconds
Output Processing Time 0 seconds
Log File Lines Analysed 1363102 lines

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